

Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 167, Pittsford, New York

Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 167

Pittsford, New York

This website will be your primary source for news, schedules, events, and information on Boy Scout Troop 167. This site is updated frequently to keep all involved informed.

Only Troop 167 Scouts and their families will have access to the protected areas of the web site. Photo albums of our Scouts and events are also available.

If you are visiting us, please see our “About Us” web page for information on troop. Everyone has access to that page. You can also visit our public site for more information on our Troop. Click Here to go to the site.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please send email to info@pittsfordtroop167.org. This is the primary e-mail address for Boy Scout Troop 167.

Thanks...and we hope you enjoy the site!!



13th Annual Tougher Scout Challenge

Posted on Mar 30 2025 - 9:44pm
The 13th Annual Tougher Scout Challenge Weekend will be held at Camp J. Warren Cutler Scout Reservation (in the southern part of the camp) May 2nd -4th. It is a regional event, drawing participants from multiple troops. Come join the fun!

Annual Long Trip Announced - 167 is going to Pittsburgh!

Posted on Feb 19 2025 - 8:58am


The troop is headed to Pittsburgh April 12-14th!  We will be staying at Camp Guyasuta which is only a few minutes away from downtown Pittsburgh.

The troop also has the opportunity to serve as the Color Guard for a Pittsburgh Pirates game on Monday night IF we get at least 50 people to attend so sign up now!

Cost for the trip will be $150  this price includes admission to all activities, food for the entire trip including $20 to spend per person at the baseball game.  The only meal you will be responsible for is Breakfast the day we depart Pittsford and a bagged lunch for the ride to Pittsburgh.

Sign up here https://bsatroop167.mytroop.us/node/8691

Scout leaders are finalizing the rest of the itinerary.

Other activities may include

National Aviary
Duquesne Incline 
Fort Pitt 
Carnegie Science Museum
Pittsburgh Zoo


Donate your Cans to the Troop! - Help Offset Future Long Trips

Posted on Jan 31 2025 - 7:47am
Help the Troop earn some money by collecting bottles and cans!
Do you have bottles & cans in your garage that you want out of there? Do you have neighbors, family and friends that want an easy way to help out? Having a party or reunion? This is a year round fundraiser to help raise funds for things like offsetting costs of the long trip. 
Drop of your cans & bottles to Can Kings at 1276 Fairport Rd. in Fairport. Hours are 9:00-7:00 Monday - Saturday. Closed on Sundays. All you need to do is put them in garbage bags and write 167 on them! Black bags, no problem! Just tell the workers and they have stickers they can put on the bags. No need to wait in line! Just let them know you are donating the cans. Workers will help you unload them right from your vehicle! 
For family and friends that live in the area, there are 2 other locations in Webster and Palmyra.
Thank your for your support!

Scout Sunday February 9th

Posted on Jan 26 2025 - 1:13pm



Sunday February 9th - the Troop will be celebrating Scout Sunday with our Chartered Organization St. Paul's.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend this service where we can demonstrate the final tenet of the Scout Law - Reverence.  

Ushers, a reader and a youth to help serve communion are needed. 

Adults are needed to help put out snacks and make coffee for the congregation.

This is an important day where we give back to the organization that provides so much to our Troop.


Court of Honor including TWO Eagle Courts of Honor January 25th - 1:30 pm Scout Arrival for 2 pm Start

Posted on Jan 22 2025 - 9:18pm

January 25th at 2pm is our first Court of Honor for 2025 and it's going to be amazing!!! Two of our fellow Scouts will be receiving their rank of Eagle!

Come out and congratulate Cameron and Carter on achieving the rank of Eagle!

Your attendance at the event is important! Please make every effort to attend this inspirational ceremony to celebrate not only your own hard work but the work of your fellow Patrol and Troop mates - your presence is very much appreciated by everyone in the Troop.


Troop 167 is Going Bowling!

Posted on Jan 22 2025 - 7:17pm

Join your Troopmates Saturday February 8th at AMF in Fairport for a Bowling and pizza party.  Scouts will also get a $10 credit to use in the arcade.  The Troop will be chipping in $8 per Scout that attends so the cost for Scouts is just $16 each.

Sign up now so we can secure our spot!  https://bsatroop167.mytroop.us/node/8711


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