

Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 167, Pittsford, New York

Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 167

Pittsford, New York

This website will be your primary source for news, schedules, events, and information on Boy Scout Troop 167. This site is updated frequently to keep all involved informed.

Only Troop 167 Scouts and their families will have access to the protected areas of the web site. Photo albums of our Scouts and events are also available.

If you are visiting us, please see our “About Us” web page for information on troop. Everyone has access to that page. You can also visit our public site for more information on our Troop. Click Here to go to the site.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please send email to info@pittsfordtroop167.org. This is the primary e-mail address for Boy Scout Troop 167.

Thanks...and we hope you enjoy the site!!



Annual Long Trip Announced - 167 is going to Pittsburgh!

Posted on Jan 17 2025 - 10:01am


The troop is headed to Pittsburgh April 12-14th!  We will be staying at Camp Guyasuta which is only a few minutes away from downtown Pittsburgh.

The troop also has the opportunity to serve as the Color Guard for a Pittsburgh Pirates game on Monday night IF we get at least 50 people to attend so sign up now!

Cost for the trip will be around $150 if we are able to attend the Baseball game - this price includes admission to all activities, food for the entire trip including $15 to spend per person at the baseball game.  The only meal you will be responsible for is Breakfast the day we depart Pittsford and a bagged lunch for the ride to Pittsburgh.

Sign up here https://bsatroop167.mytroop.us/node/8691

Scout leaders are finalizing the rest of the itinerary. Final itinerary will be announced by 1/31

Other activities may include

National Aviary
Duquesne Incline 
Fort Pitt 
Carnegie Science Museum
Pittsburgh Zoo


Summer Camp 2025 - Troop 167 Heads to Beaumont!

Posted on Jan 16 2025 - 8:53am


The wind is whipping and the snow is flying so it's time to think about Summer Camp!!!


$100 Deposit due to the Troop by February 3rd to ensure your Scout's spot at camp!!!


Troop 167 will be headed to Beaumont Scout Reservation in Rock Creek, Ohio this summer from June 29th to July 4th.

Information about this camp can be found on their site here Beaumont Summer Camp This site includes a parent and Scout guide with a list of the over 120 merit badges this camp offers.  The site also shows last year's schedule so you can get a feel for how merit badges work - please check this out since it's different than what you might be used to - but will allow you to earn a lot more badges if you want.

There is a also a cool video that shows you the activities around camp including the zip line and leap of faith.

Early Bird Pricing - paid in full to the Troop before 4/7 - $463 (please note some merit badges have additional fees - check the parent and/or Leader guide for info)

Fee paid in full after 4/7 $483

Adult pricing $261 - want to go to camp for free - check the leader's guide if you can help teach merit badges you might be able to go for free!


January Winter Campout - Camp Weona - Near Letchworth - Jan 10-12

Posted on Dec 26 2024 - 9:51pm

Sign up now for our Winter Campout!  We'll be checking out another new place - Camp Weona in Gainsville, NY near Letchworth State Park.

Attendees will have the option to sleep inside in the heated lodge or brave the elements (and perhaps get a Camping MB requirement done by participating in a winter camping experience - provided mother nature doesn't decide to give us a warm weekend)

We hope to have fun in the snow, explore the nearby "activity barn", enjoy a Scout prepared feast and learn some new skills.

The PLC has decided they would like the Scouts to prepare a Saturday night dinner - each patrol will be given a budget and can decide how to use it to prepare food to be enjoyed by all attending. 

Sign -ups for this campout will close sharply on 1/2 so that we can prepare for the meals.  

Cost will vary depending on how many people sign up to go - this does NOT include what you will owe your grubmaster. Grubmasters must keep costs to $12 or under - you are NOT planning for Saturday dinner.  Each patrol will receive a budget for Saturday dinner to prepare a pot-luck meal.

39 people or less $28 per person

40-49 people $23 per person

50+ people $18 per person

Sign up here!  https://bsatroop167.mytroop.us/node/8686


A few photos of the Camp are shown below







Winter Party - Sign Up Now!!!

Posted on Nov 23 2024 - 10:49am

Our Winter Party will include:

A movie and cookie decorating

Fun winter themed games with a chance for your patrol to be named the champion

This year you'll pay $5 to spin the prize wheel - then you're free to exchange your prize with a fellow Scout

Please register and pay by 12/10 so enough prizes can be purchased.


Scout Day at Syracuse Basketball over the Holiday Break!

Posted on Nov 23 2024 - 10:48am

Join the Troop for a SU basketball game!

Details can be found here


Troop Leadership Submission Form

Posted on Nov 3 2024 - 11:08am
Troops elections for leadership positions will begin in December. Here is our schedule of elections:
SPL - December 9th
Sr. Leadership (ASPL's, Quartermasters, Scribe, Resource Manager, Chaplin's Aide, Historian): December 16th
Patrol Leaders and APL's - January 6th
Details regarding elected leadership positions can be found below. Please be sure to read the information provided:
All newly elected officers will be sworn in by our outgoing SPL on January 6th. 
To run for a position, you must submit the following form no later 11/25. If you submit it on 11/26, it will NOT be accepted. 
All new leaders are required to attend ILST from January 31st - February 2nd at Camp Cutler. 
Please use this form to create your resume:
Don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have. I'm happy to assist you. 
Thank you,
Mr. Foley